
JWebThumb is easy to use Java API wrapping bluga.net's webthumb web service API for generating web thumbnails and full size snapshots of websites.

In order to use JWebThumb you need to have your own API KEY from bluga.net webthumb. In order to get your API KEY you need to

  • Register with webthumb
  • Login to your account
  • go to your user page and scroll down to api details section

As a registered user you will get 100 free credits per month. You can purchase more credits if needed. Please visit http://webthumb.bluga.net/purchase for pricing. Please refer to http://webthumb.bluga.net/apidoc#cost for information how much a single thumbnail costs.

Having your API KEY you can star using JWebThumb

Create WebThumbService

WebThumbService is the main service class responsible for handling requests. It's thread safe so you can only create it once and use it from anywhere in your application.

        WebThumbService webThumbService = new WebThumbService("YOUR API KEY");

Request thumbnail

The simpliest example

All you need to do to request a thumbnail of http://your.web.site.com is

        WebThumbRequest request = new WebThumbRequest("http://your.web.site.com", OutputType.jpg);
        WebThumbJob job = null;
        try {
                job = webThumbService.sendRequest(request);
        } catch (WebThumbException e) {
                // handle error appropriately 

The job will contain server's response. There is some useful information like when the thumbnail will be ready and how much it costs. Here is an example of constructing user friendly message based on information in WebThumbJob class

        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        sb.append("The server confirms a request for '").append(job.getUrl())
                .append("' was received on '").append(job.getTime())
                .append("'. Thumbnail will be ready in about ").append(job.getEstimate())
                .append(" seconds! This request costs ").append(job.getCost())
                .append(" credit(s). Please use '").append(job.getId())
                .append("' job id, to fetch the thumbnail!");

which will print something like this

The server confirms a request for 'http://your.web.site.com' was received on 'Wed Jul 21 09:32:05 CEST 2010'. Thumbnail 
will be ready in about 20 seconds! This request costs 1 credit(s). Please use 'wt4c47c204eae05' job id, to fetch the thumbnail!

More complex example

        WebThumbRequest webThumbRequest = new WebThumbRequest("http://your.web.site.com");
        // specify output type. Could be one of OutputType.jpg, OutputType.png or OutputType.png8
        // request custom sized thumbnail 
        webThumbRequest.setCustomThumbnail(new CustomThumbnail(10, 10));
        // wait 5 seconds before taking the snapshot (1 to 15 seconds, 3 second default)
        // request to apply visual effect. Could be one of "mirror", "dropshadow" or "border"
        // specify size and offset of the excerpt thumbnail
        webThumbRequest.setExcerpt(new Excerpt(10, 10, 200, 200));
        // request full sized snapshot 
        // specify the height of the browser, 15 to 2048        
        // specify the width of the browser, 15 to 1280 
        // specify an url to call when the thumbnail is complete
        // send request 
        WebThumbJob job = null;
        try {
                job = webThumbService.sendRequest(request);
        } catch (WebThumbException e) {
                // handle error appropriately 

Sending multiple requests at once

        List<WebThumbRequest> requests = new ArrayList<WebThumbRequest>();
        requests.add(new WebThumbRequest("http://your.web.site.com", OutputType.jpg));
        requests.add(new WebThumbRequest("http://another.web.site.com", OutputType.png));
        List<WebThumbJob> jobs = null;
        try {
                jobs = webThumbService.sendRequest(requests);
        } catch (WebThumbException e) {
                // handle error appropriately 

Check status

The following example shows how to check whether thumbnail is ready to be fetched

        WebThumbStatusRequest webThumbStatusRequest = new WebThumbStatusRequest();
        List<WebThumbStatus> statuses = webThumbService.getStatus(webThumbStatusRequest);

Alternatively job ids can be used instead of URL

        WebThumbStatusRequest webThumbStatusRequest = new WebThumbStatusRequest();
        List<WebThumbStatus> statuses = webThumbService.getStatus(webThumbStatusRequest);

Since you can check the status of multiple jobs at once, try to combine these requests and make sure not to make more then 1 status request per second. More requests then that may get you temporarily blocked at the firewall. Best Practice is to make a status request at most every 10 seconds.

If you are developing web application try using notifications instead !!!

Fetch thumbnail

The following example shows how to fetch ready thumbnail (Exception handling code is omitted).

        WebThumbFetchRequest fetchRequest = new WebThumbFetchRequest("wt4c47c204eae05", Size.zip);
        byte[] imageBytes = webThumbService.fetch(fetchRequest);

Alternatively instead of loading the thumbnail in memory the it can be send to given output stream.

        WebThumbFetchRequest fetchRequest = new WebThumbFetchRequest("wt4c47c204eae05", Size.zip);
        webThumbService.fetch(fetchRequest, new FileOutputStream(new File("PATH_TO_FILE")));

Possible fetch sizes are :

  • small - 80x60
  • medium - 160x120
  • medium2 - 320x240
  • large - 640x480
  • full
  • excerpt
  • effect
  • custom
  • zip - 5 thumbnails in a zip file
    • small
    • medium
    • medium2
    • large
    • excerpt - 400x150 (taken from the top left corner by default)

Create notification servlet

If you use JWebThumb in a web application you can make use of notification servlet and instruct bluga.net's webthumb web service to send notification on given URL when your thumbnail is complete. Implementing a servlet which will fetch the thumbnail as soon as notification is received is as simple as this:

package com.commsen.jwebthumb.example;

public class MyWebThumbServlet extends WebThumbNotificationServlet {

        public void processThumb(String id, String url) {
                WebThumbFetchRequest webThumbFetchRequest = new WebThumbFetchRequest(id, Size.medium2);
                byte[] thumbnail;
                try {
                        return service.fetch(webThumbFetchRequest);
                } catch (WebThumbException e) {
                        // handle error appropriately 

                FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(new File("/some/folder/site_medium2_thumbnail.jpg"));

Then you need to add the servlet to your web.xml. Make sure you provide hard to guess secure key to prevent fake calls to your servlet:


Now, during request, you can tell the server to notify your servlet when thumbnail is ready

        WebThumbRequest request = new WebThumbRequest("http://your.web.site.com", OutputType.jpg);
        WebThumbJob job = null;
        try {
                job = webThumbService.sendRequest(request);
        } catch (WebThumbException e) {
                // handle error appropriately 

Check your credit status

The following example shows how to check your credit status

        WebThumbCredits credits = webThumbService.getCredits();
        System.out.println("Used credits this month: " + credits.getUsedThisMonth());
        System.out.println("Requests this month: " + credits.getRequestsThisMonth());
        System.out.println("Cached this month: " + credits.getCachedThisMonth());
        System.out.println("Non-expiring credits: " + credits.getReserve());
        System.out.println("Subscription credits: " + credits.getSubscription());
        System.out.println("Subscription credits left: " + credits.getSubscriptionLeft());