Package com.commsen.jwebthumb

Class Summary
WebThumb This class represents the xml payload of all webthumb requests.
WebThumbCredits This class represent webthumb's response to "credits" API call.
WebThumbError This class represents 'error' part of webthumb's response.
WebThumbFetchRequest This class represents the payload of webthumb's 'fetch' API call.
WebThumbJob This class represents 'jobs' part of webthumb's response to "request" API call.
WebThumbJobStatus This class represents 'jobStatus' part of webthumb's response to "status" API call.
WebThumbNotificationServlet An abstract sevlet responsible for receiving notifications from webthumb.
WebThumbRequest This class represents the payload of webthumb's 'request' API call.
WebThumbResponse This class represent webthumb's general response object.
WebThumbService This class provides convenient methods for webthumb's "request", "fetch" and "credits" API calls.
WebThumbStatus This class represents 'jobStatus/status' part of webthumb's response to "status" API call.
WebThumbStatusRequest This class represents the payload of webthumb's 'status' API call.

Enum Summary
WebThumbFetchRequest.Size Enumeration contains all sizes acceptable by webthumb's fetch method For more details check webthumb API at

Exception Summary
WebThumbException Custom exception that indicates that something went wrong during webthumb API calls.

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